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A Bodily Prayer

Ok, so I'm famously* not a religious person. I grew up around people who believed in - or didn't, as the case may be - many different things. Even though at times I was confused and felt slighted or angry by these differences, I was also raised to respect that everyone is allowed to believe whatever they want, and that all you hope is that they don't use these beliefs to hurt anyone. Flashback to 8yo Loz (a few days after starting at a very religious primary school) in her first ever Religion class, arguing with the teacher that everything in The Bible (we'd been presented with our very own copies that morning and being too weird to have any friends, and extremely bookish, I'd skimmed over a few 'chapters' at morning tea) couldn't possibly be true, that it's just one view of religion. "But some people believe the Koran, or the Torah, are you saying they're wrong?", I'd angrily pointed out. Sadly, my

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